Twin Judy Zones (Skeptics Conference live special)

Yeah... Nah!
Yeah… Nah!
Twin Judy Zones (Skeptics Conference live special)

Recorded live in front of a skeptical audience. We talk about our annual awards, the media Bravos, Skeptic of the Year, and a very surprising winner of the Bent Spoon. We also have our own bugbears to share: Craig talks about the emerging scandal that is the Twin Flames universe, Mark describes his attempt to entrap an online scammer named Agent Patrick Smith, and Bronwyn picks apart the myth of Blue Zones.

About this episode

  • Articles we talk about:
    • Our 2023 Awards
    • Twin Flames: Twin Documentaries
    • Are blue zones bogus?
    • Would the real Judy Eliassen please stand up
    • Running out of Steam: The fake Judy scam, part 2
  • Newsletter issues these articles appear in:

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