Da Allodial Sleepdrop Retrograde

Yeah... Nah!
Yeah… Nah!
Da Allodial Sleepdrop Retrograde

Craig is back with us and having a breather before his future travels to Utah, so we are making him work twice as hard. We debunk the rise of mercury in retrograde in the current newscycle; devour a very interesting Official Information Act Request; despair that claiming allodial title doesn’t preclude you from paying taxes; and dive into the life and crazy wisdom of the late American spiritual guru, Franklin Jones, aka Adi Da Samraj, aka Da Free John, aka Bubba Free John.

About this episode

  • Articles we talk about:
    • Mercury in retrograde
    • New Freeland, Revisited
    • By many, many other names: The many lives of the late Avatar Adi Da Samraj
  • Newsletter issues these articles appear in:

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